Tuesday, January 11, 2022


Hi everyone!

This is my blog for my Romance Studies 202 class, where I will be sharing my views and opinions on the course readings.

Now a little about myself. My name is Diya. I am a first-year student at the University of British Columbia. I plan on majoring in psychology. I enjoy reading in my spare time and am excited to expand my bookshelf. I took this class to fulfill my literature requirement but was happy to hear about the immense number of books we will read!

My expectations for this course is to read as many books as possible and try different books from different areas of the world. And be able to see similarities and differences between the novels. The course structure is quite refreshing. I am ready to test my abilities in producing blog posts. Also, I am happy with the freedom we have on how many and which books we can choose from.

In the course introduction, I was intrigued to find out that there is no set location of where the romance world exists. I am excited to read novels from all over the world and visit their literature setting of the romance world. Throughout this course, I am interested in comparing how each language's literature is similar based on their Latin origin and how they contrast on their differences in geographical, social, and historical context. I am ready to read, understand, and create connections to further develop my learning in romance studies. I am excited to share my thoughts on my blog and looking forward to your comments!


  1. Hello, First I want to say I love how your blog looks, I am not that skilled with computers myself but this looks amazing. I as well was interested on the fact that romance languages are in no place as well as the range of options we have. Hope you enjoy which ever books you choose.

  2. Hey Diya,
    I first want to welcome you to the University of British Columbia. I applaud you for taking a course number that starts with a 2, I sure didn’t have the guts to in my first year. I also described this course as “refreshing” in my blog post -- it really is different from all the courses I have taken before. I agree that the freedom in this course can really allow us to guide our own learning rather than having to follow a strict set of rules. I love the way that your blog looks -- you really followed the professor’s idea of having a pink blog! I was actually going to do the same, though I simply did not have the skills to do so; WordPress is very difficult to use. If you get the chance to respond, I would love to know what your favourite book is.

  3. Hi Diya!
    This blog looks amazing I love what you did with the colour and the gif. I'm also happy with the freedom we have to choose our own books and I'm excited to start working through them. I look forward to hearing more from you.
